Parking & Directions


2313 Red River St.

Austin, TX 78705

The LBJ Presidential Library is located on the campus of The University of Texas at Austin.


Visitors may park for free in lot #38 during business hours.


Access LBJ Library at 2313 Red River Street from:

  • Manor Road, if arriving from south of the library.
  • Dean Keaton, if arriving from north of the library.


Free Visitor Parking

Visitor parking is always free in lot #38 during business hours. Located directly off Red River Street, look for brightly colored LBJ banners at the lot entrance.

Bus parking diagram for the LBJ Library
Image of the lot 38 parking lot from the street

Please be advised:

1) There are several University of Texas permit-only parking lots next to our visitor parking and parking in those permit-only lots may result in fines.

2) If you are a UT Austin student, staff, or faculty member with a UT parking permit that is not registered to lot #38, you may be subject to fines if you park in our visitor lot as it is not your designated lot for your permit. The library is not responsible for any citations and related fines as the parking lots are managed by UT Parking and Transportation Services. Please contact us about parking for class or research visits at

Large vehicles: If your vehicle takes up more than one parking space, please pick up a permit at the admissions desk in the library lobby on the day of your visit.

Buses: We ask that all buses park in the upper southeast corner area of visitor lot #38. Passenger drop off and pick up is by the breezeway curb in lot #38. You must also display a bus parking permit while parked. You may pick up a permit at the admissions desk in the library lobby on the day of your visit. Please be advised that buses cannot fit around the turns in lot #39. Buses MUST drop off in lot #38. Please contact the Volunteer and Visitor Services Office at for more information.

Directions to the Building

The LBJ Library is situated on The University of Texas at Austin campus. Follow the sidewalk near the fountain and take the stairs to the entrance level.

Image of the LBJ Library through the walkway from the parking lot.

UT parking lot #38 off Red River Street

From UT parking lot #38 (LBJ Library visitors lot) off Red River Street.
Aerial view of the LBJ Library from the DKR Memorial Stadium

From UT Austin Campus

The LBJ Library is located east of Robert Dedman Drive and south of E. Dean Keeton Street.

Ride-hailing Services and Taxis

There are several ride-hailing services and taxi companies in Austin. For a full list of options, please visit the Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau.

If you'll be arriving or departing the library via a ride-hailing service or taxi, we suggest being dropped off and/or picked up from lot #38, located directly off Red River Street.

Public Transportation

Capital Metro, Austin's public bus system, has stops near the library, including on Clyde Littlefield and Dean Keeton Drives.

Bicycling Information

Visitors can visit via bike and scooter! Bring your own lock and park them in the designated bike rack located on the east side of the LBJ School of Public Affairs as well as on the west side of the library by the LBJ lawn and south of the library near our loading dock.


To rent a bike, check out Austin’s bike share program. For more information about using scooters on the UT campus, please go here. For more information about using bikes on the UT campus, please go here.

A cyclist bikes by the LBJ Library
An image of a bike locked on a bike rack on the south side of the LBJ Library
Lbj On a fence Sepia

Friends of the LBJ Library

When you become a member of the Friends of the LBJ Library, you'll be making an important contribution to the library's mission -- and to our community. You will also get special access to events.