Quick Facts

Lyndon B. Johnson: 36th President of the United States (1963-1969)

Dive into facts about LBJ's White House years and browse a selection of historic speeches.

Speaking next to a podium, President Johnson addresses an audience.

Selected Speeches and Messages

Browse a selected number of speeches and messages made by LBJ during his presidency.
President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with his Cabinet.

The Cabinet

The Cabinet serves at the pleasure of the president. See who President Johnson relied on for guidance and advice.
Vice President elect Hubert H. Humphrey and President Johnson

Hubert H. Humphrey

Originally a licensed pharmacist from small-town South Dakota, how did Hubert H. Humphrey make it to the vice presidency?
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson visits President John F. Kennedy in the Oval Office, Sept. 17, 1963.

Presidential Succession During the Johnson Administration

After President Kennedy was assassinated and LBJ assumed the presidency, there was a 14-month period where the United States had no vice president.
South Korean President Park Chung-hee, Lady Bird Johnson, South Korean First Lady Yuk Young-soo, and President Johnson outside of the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C

Head of State Visits

LBJ hosted more than a hundred leaders on unofficial and official head of state visits during his presidency.
President Lyndon B. Johnson and unidentified dinner guest. USSS Agent Rufus Youngblood standing in background.

LBJ's Favorites

Guests at the LBJ Ranch were often served: Deer sausage (very spicy), eggs, toast (made from homemade, freshly baked bread), peach preserves.
Family gathering: Lyndon B. Johnson (ca. 4 years old) is standing in front of automobile. 3rd adult from left (back row) is Sam Ealy Johnson, Jr. Rebekah Baines Johnson is in front of him. Eliza Bunton Johnson seated in wheelchair.

LBJ's Ancestors

Descendants of Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson and Family Tree.
Cong. Lyndon B. Johnson in Navy uniform

LBJ's Military Service

Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson was a member of the United States Naval Reserve when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.
President Lyndon B. Johnson shows puppies (sired by beagle Him) to Courtney Valenti.

LBJ's Dogs

LBJ's most well-known dogs were his beagles—Him and Her. Born on June 27, 1963, the two were often with him while he was at his Texas ranch or at the White House.

Perspectives & Essays

Joe Califano.

Seeing Is Believing - The Enduring Legacy of Lyndon Johnson

The Keynote Address by Joseph A. Califano, Jr. at the Centennial Celebration for President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Sherwin Markman.

Tragedy and Triumph: The Summer of 1964

Tragedy and Triumph: The Summer of 1964, A Fifty-Year Remembrance.
L-R: Robert (Bob) Hardesty and President Lyndon B. Johnson. President Johnson shakes hands with Robert Hardesty during a receiving line for the Businessmen's Dinner.

The LBJ the Nation Seldom Saw

This publication was prepared to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the birthdate of Lyndon Baines Johnson, 36th president of the United States and Distinguished Alumnus of Southwest Texas State University.
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