The Oval Office

Permanent Exhibitions | Feb, 15 2025 5:13AM - 5:13AM

The Oval Office at the LBJ Library

The Oval Office replica on the 10th floor of the LBJ Presidential Library duplicates President Lyndon B. Johnson's office in the White House at 7/8th scale.

About & Photos

The office looks exactly as it did during Johnson's presidency, including the desk he used in his Senate days through the White House years, his books and the three televisions that kept him apprised of the news, and a portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who, Johnson said, gave him his great desire for public office.

A view of the Oval Office replica in the LBJ Library
A view of the Oval Office replica in the LBJ Library

Visitor tip: While in the Oval Office, make sure to press the button on the wall, located on your right when you walk through the main doorway, to hear a recorded description of the exhibition.

Location in Museum 10th Floor Oval Office Lead Image
10th Floor

This exhibition is located on the tenth floor, to the left of the elevators. 

Did you know?

Architect Gordon Bunshaft's plans for the library did not originally include an Oval Office replica. On Oct. 10, 1968, President Johnson called Bunshaft and asked him to add an Oval Office after hearing the Oval Office replica at the Truman Library was popular with visitors.

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