Public | Sep, 18 2022 10:00AM - 4:00PM

Say cheese! Families, visit the LBJ Presidential Library & Museum on Sunday, September 18, to celebrate Austin Museum Day and leave with a White House photographer in the making.
From 10AM to 1PM, kids can grab one of our Fujifilm Instax instant cameras for a scavenger hunt to explore our museum and experience the legacy of LBJ through photography. Children will use their photos to create memory books, and families take home a priceless keepsake to enjoy! First come, first served while supplies last.
Plus, we’ll have free giveaways for adults, and you can enter to win a Fujifilm Instax instant camera. See the LBJ Library through the lens of your kids.
From 1 to 4 PM, visitors can design and create their own campaign buttons.
Special thanks to Precision Camera for partnering with us.
Get in Touch
Office: (512) 721-0216
Location: 2313 Red River St., Austin, TX 78705