Public | May, 21 2015 6:00PM - 7:30PM

On May 21, 2015, the LBJ Foundation honored entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner with the 2015 Lady Bird Johnson Environmental Award. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer served as the program’s moderator.
Since its inception in 1990, the Turner Foundation has given more than $300 million to hundreds of environmental organizations. As chairman of the foundation, Ted Turner has supported efforts to improve air and water quality, to maintain wildlife habitat protection, and more.
Lady Bird Johnson’s vision inspires the efforts of millions of Americans to preserve our natural resources and beautify our nation. By presenting Ted Turner with the Lady Bird Johnson Environmental Award, the LBJ Foundation continues Mrs. Johnson’s legacy of preserving our land and the beauty of our nation.
About the Award
Lady Bird Johnson’s vision inspires the efforts of millions of Americans to preserve our natural resources and beautify our nation. The Lady Bird Johnson Environmental Award honors outstanding achievements in the preservation, restoration or improvement of the natural world that embrace Mrs. Johnson’s style, energy and commitment to her work. Its mission is to increase public awareness of the environmental issues facing our country by highlighting the work of selected individuals, corporations and non-profit organizations. This award salutes the work of Americans who are making a positive impact on the environment by successfully collaborating with communities and engaging others in their mission by reaching out to diverse sectors.
The award was established in 1992 by the LBJ Foundation Board of Trustees to honor the former First Lady on her 80th birthday and to underscore her devotion to conservation and the environment.