Austin Museum Day 2023

Public | Sep, 17 2023 10:00AM - 3:00PM

Austin Museum Day 2023

Families and caretakers of the Earth join the LBJ Presidential Library & Museum on Sunday, September 17, to celebrate Austin Museum Day and explore the ways you can be a better friend to the world we live in! From 10AM to 3PM, kids can use one of our Fujifilm Instax instant cameras for a scavenger hunt. On the hunt, explore our exhibit based on the book The Lorax, step into the Oval Office, see the president’s limousine and much more. Experience the political and personal legacies of LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson through photography. 

Sign up for a specific time slot to ensure everyone gets a chance to participate!

Children will use their photos to create memory books and families will take home a uniquely personal keepsake to enjoy! Plus, we’ll have free giveaways for adults and you can enter to win a Fujifilm Instax instant camera.

Special thanks to Precision Camera in Austin for partnering with us.

The Lorax: TM & © 2023 Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. All rights reserved.

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For questions or more information about our public programs at the library, please contact our Membership Team.


Office: (512) 721-0198


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