Public | Nov, 21 2022 12:00PM - 3:00PM

Celebrate fall and do some early holiday shopping at the LBJ Library on Monday, November 21. Our Fall Festival features activities for kids, a drawing for unique prizes, sweet treats, and an opportunity to meet local authors and vendors who sell items in our store. Join us from 12 – 3 p.m.
Museum Admission includes:
- Local vendors featuring hand-painted clothing and handmade jewelry
- Tax free purchases in the store
- Treats from the Johnson’s favorite recipes
- White House China crafting for the kids
- New exhibit showcasing artist Porfirio Salinas, LBJ’s favorite artist
- Give-aways!
- Local authors who are experts on the Johnsons will sign books and help you find just the right gifts for your list
- Jean Schuler: At the Table with LBJ and Lady Bird: History, Humor, True Texas Recipes
- Mark Updegrove: Incomparable Grace: JFK in the Presidency, Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency
- Louann Temple: Lady Bird Johnson: Deeds Not Words, LBJ: The Can-Do President, A Biography for Beginning Historians
- Neal Spelce: With the Bark Off: A Journalist’s Memories of LBJ and a Life in the News Media
Get in Touch
For all media and advertising inquiries, please contact LBJ Presidential Library Communications Office.
Office: (512) 721-0216
Location: 2313 Red River St., Austin, TX 78705