Education | Jun, 20 2023 8:30AM - 4:30PM

Early childhood educators can set the foundation of civic responsibility for the environment in the students. On June 30th, the LBJ Library will be hosting "Wee the People: Conservation in the Classroom" for our pre-K, kindergarten, 1st grade, and community educators. This thought-provoking evening will help educators address climate change and conservation in ways that help our young learners understand their role in environment.
Registration for Wee the People is $15. The workshop fee includes breakfast, lunch, and plenty of resources to take back to your classroom!
Participants attending "Wee the People" will earn 8 CEU hours.
Registration for this event will close at 10:00pm CST on Wednesday, June 21, 2023.
Get in Touch
For more information or questions, please contact our Education Department.