Support from our donors helps to sustain the Library’s public programming, special exhibits in our museum, and educational workshops and curriculum for K-12 schools.
Friends Membership
We invite you to join our Friends of the LBJ Library!

Join Now
All Friends of the LBJ Library members enjoy 12 months of benefits from the day of payment, including free admission to the LBJ Presidential Library and 13 other presidential libraries. Our programming-level members receive access to our Evening With speaker series and other benefits.
Levels & Benefits
Programming Memberships
Programming Memberships
In addition to free presidential museum admission, programming-level members receive access to our renowned Evening With lecture series (~8 programs per year). Members at $250+ receive invitations to special programming including symposia and conferences hosted by the LBJ Library and reciprocal access to 1,200+ cultural institutions across the country participating in the North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association.
Individual ($80; or $65 for seniors 62+)
- Invitations for one to our Evening With speaker series
- Fully tax-deductible
Dual ($150; or $120 for seniors 62+)
- Invitations for two to our Evening With speaker series
- Fully tax-deductible
Sustaining ($250) – Dual benefits, plus:
- Invitations to exhibit opening receptions, symposia, and other special events
- Free/reduced admission at 1,200+ cultural institutions through NARM.
- Tax-deductible amount is $226
Fellow ($500) – Sustaining benefits, plus:
- Priority invitations to Harry Middleton and Tom Johnson lectures
- VIP guided tour of the library (with advance notice)
- Tax-deductible amount is $476
Premium Memberships
Premium Memberships
Premium members receive additional benefits, including reserved seating at programs, invitations to receptions with speakers, behind-the-scenes filming for Live from the LBJ Library interviews, and exhibit openings.
Legacy ($1,000) – Fellow benefits, plus:
- Reserved seating for two at Evening With programs and Harry Middleton and Tom Johnson lectures
- Invitations for two to dinner with featured speakers
- Tax-deductible amount is $837
Cabinet ($2,500) – Legacy benefits, plus:
- Reserved seating for four at the annual Harry Middleton and Tom Johnson lectures and Evening With programs
- Priority invitations for two to engage with the feature speakers
- Tax-deductible amount is $2,337
Executive ($5,000) – Cabinet benefits, plus:
- Reserved seating for four at dinners with featured Evening With speakers
- Reserved seating for two at all other special programs and receptions (including behind-the-scenes filming)
- Recognition as a supporter of Live from the LBJ Library in the opening credits for season 2 on PBS
- Tax-deductible amount is $4,512
President's Circle ($10,000+) - Executive benefits, plus:
- Recognition on the stage screen at Evening With programs
- Recognition as a lead supporter of Live from the LBJ Library for season 2 on PBS
- Reserved seating for four at all other special programs and receptions
- Tax-deductible amount is $9,440
Museum Memberships
Museum Memberships:
All members receive free admission to the LBJ Presidential Library and 13 other presidential libraries, and a 10% discount in The Store at LBJ. Museum-level memberships do not include access to our Evening With programs.
Museum ($30)
- Free admission for one to the LBJ Presidential Library’s permanent and special exhibitions
- Free admission for one to all 13 Presidential Libraries
- 10% discount on purchases in The Store at LBJ
- Monthly eNewsletter
- Advance notice for events open to the public
- 100% tax-deductible
Family Museum ($45)
- All Museum Member benefits for two adults and children under 18 in household
- 100% tax-deductible
Discounted Memberships
Discounted Memberships
Discounted memberships are available for students, K-12 educators, and seniors (62+).
Seniors (62+) are eligible for discounted membership in our Friends of the LBJ Library program, at $65 for an Individual membership and $120 for a Dual membership.
Students ($25) Must present a student ID and sign-up with your school email address. Benefits include:
- All Museum Member benefits for one
- Invitations to the Evening With speaker series
Educator ($50) Must be an educator at the K-12 level and use school email for sign-up. Benefits include:
- All Museum Member benefits for one
- Invitations to the Evening With speaker series
If you have further questions, please call (512) 721-0198 or email
Friends Programming
Evening With programs feature historians, journalists, politicians, filmmakers and authors in conversation for a live (or virtual) audience. Friends members make advance reservations for live programs. To see a list of past speakers, click here.
Tom Johnson and Harry Middleton lectures are free public lectures hosted by the LBJ Foundation. Tickets are made available to the general public on a first-come, first-served basis. Friends members at the Fellow level and above are offered tickets in advance to attend these special lectures.
Additionally, the LBJ Library hosts occasionally special programs such as symposia, conferences, and commemorations. Friends members at the Sustaining level and above are offered access to attend these special programs when not open to the public, or priority registration when they are open to the public.
Examples of past special programs include:
- Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, Kara Swisher, and Judy Woodruff joined us for our conference, Trust. News. Democracy., on the effects of our fragmented media landscape on our democracy.
- President Biden gave a historic address at our event commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.
We recently launched a national PBS show, Live from the LBJ Library, with interviews filmed in our Lady Bird Johnson Auditorium. Members at our Executive and President’s Cabinet levels receive invitations to join the filming.
Future Forum
The LBJ Presidential Library was established to tell the story of Lyndon Baines Johnson's time and to serve as a center of discussion for building a better future. The Future Forum programs bring together expert speakers, thought leaders, and public officials to discuss pressing public policy issues. For more information on upcoming Future Forum events, click here. Subscribe to the Future Forum’s programming calendar here and never miss an event!
Future Forum membership supports Future Forum programs. Members enjoy special access to Future Forum speakers and networking events with other community leaders. Annual membership is available for individuals ($75) and dual members ($125).
We also offer a discounted membership rate for students. Please email for the link.
Future Forum benefits:
- Invitation and admission to Future Forum programs (typically 8-10 per year), including member-only networking events
- Notice of special programs at the LBJ Library
- Admission to select Friends of the LBJ Library events
- Free admission to the LBJ Library and all other presidential libraries administered by the National Archives
- 10% discount on all items in The Store at LBJ
- Monthly eNewsletter
The Future Forum is managed by a volunteer board of community leaders. Learn more.
Gift Memberships
Membership to the LBJ Presidential Library is a truly distinctive and meaningful present that can be enjoyed year-round by your friends, family, and colleagues! Your gift recipient will enjoy all the benefits of the Friends or Future Forum membership level of your choice. You may purchase a gift membership onsite or online. For questions or assistance, please contact us by calling (512) 721-0198 or by email at
Other Ways to Give
Make a gift online. Gifts may be directed to the General Fund or specific initiatives and endowed funds supporting the LBJ Presidential Library or the LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin.
Make checks payable to “The Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation” and mail to: LBJ Foundation, 2313 Red River Street, Austin, TX 78705, Attn: Dan Perry.
For information about making a stock gift or wire transfer gift, about leaving a gift in your estate plans, or to discuss setting up an endowment with the LBJ Foundation to benefit the LBJ Presidential Library or the LBJ School of Public Affairs please contact:
Dan Perry
LBJ Foundation Chief Development Officer
(512) 826-9605
Double your support at no cost to you! Employer gift matching makes it easy. See if your employer offers a charitable match. Then fill out your company’s matching gift forms, mail the completed forms to the LBJ Foundation, and we’ll take care of the rest!
Gifts to the LBJ Foundation are tax deductible (EIN: 74-1774063)